Lemongrass and lemon balm

It has been really hot today and the first thing that comes to mind is that summer is right here and as the temperatures are climbing we must drink more as usual. The best way to stay healthy and hydrated is to drink between meal times and plenty of water is the best. Ignore the sodas and the sugary drinks, sometimes those tasty waters hide a ton of sugar in them and the calorie intake along with the unwanted hunger attacks after 20 minutes are unreal. 

Not so with these waters made by you, tasty and really pretty, your hydration plan gets an upgrade, your mood swings to green and you will get inspired to come up with your own creative ideas on how to prep your jug of water.

I must add that we are fortunate here in Vienna with the best quality tap water of the planet for a city with almost 2 million inhabitants. More than 150 years ago smart engineers built a water pipeline from the mountains into Vienna with fresh water. This system is so amazing that no matter how high our buildings are we need no pressure pumps. We open our tabs and the water runs freely. We shower with it and we even use the water to flush our toilettes. Sounds insane for everyone else - yes, we are so blessed with fresh water!

Infused Water

Crack a stalk of lemon grass and wash a sprig of lemon balm that's all you need and a little time outside the fridge. After 2 hours your water is infused and ready to be enjoyed.

All ideas work as well with sparkling water, but I prefer the natural water for this by far. It brings out the taste so beautifully ! Enjoy and feel your beauty inside out.

I have been told by friends that one cannot drink too much water and so they keep a bottle with them everywhere they go but that is not true. Essential minerals can be washed out by excessive drinking as well and that can weaken a body. The rule with almost everything in life is moderation. 2 liters of water are perfect for your body and will keep you hydrated well unless yo spend your days in a dessert under a scorching sun. Your body counts fruit, vegetables and soups as liquid as well.